UUID Generator

Generated UUIDs
  • 25481130-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481131-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481132-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481133-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481134-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481135-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481136-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481137-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481138-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 25481139-fafb-11ef-baea-279b83f7b9e1
  • 4b07a3e8-6245-40b2-b933-e3c116d5f638
  • 9036c56a-094f-4d88-aa9d-36fb6af35a43
  • 6da0f3ee-9052-4303-8750-af1352f9e7e7
  • 1b27b3f9-4b7c-4901-9bff-26a4c8c62d18
  • 3c71407f-06a4-433e-9f33-d64396842c29
  • 12f69c56-5ff7-43a1-8dfa-6c84494ae182
  • 305b45c9-b6cc-4595-9a58-5bf68c624489
  • ea1d8f63-9ea8-472a-9113-ee48d4f45fe6
  • 912b20d0-6c20-4227-a6c4-4db5ab308dde
  • a2e463f3-3a64-4ce0-b700-05fba5521886

What is uuid generator and how to use it?

Using anOnline UUID generator is an easy way to generate random UUIDs. The UUID is a very long string of 128-bit digits that can be used to identify something. It is a type of unique identifier that is often used to identify computer resources in a computer system. There are five different versions of the UUID. Each version has different strengths and weaknesses. They are all based on the RFC 4122 specification. Each version has a different method of creating the UUID, but they are all based on the same algorithm. In this site, you can generate v1 and v4 for now.
UUID v1 is generated by using a combination of the current time, date, and the MAC address of the computer that generates. It also adds another random component to be sure of its uniqueness. UUID v4 is generated randomly. No date, time, or MAC address is used. You can recognize versions by generating successive UUIDs. If UUIDs are similar the each other then it means UUID v1, if not UUID v4.
You will see random generated UUIDs when you open this page. If you want to refresh them or change count, select desired count and click to the refresh button at top.
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