Web Utilities For Developers

Welcome 👋. WebUtils.dev is a toolbox that combines all the tools for programmers, webmasters, and designers.
You can find all utils that may fit your needs without searching elsewhere. Search for them and add them to your favorites to access them easily. You can use all of them for free and unlimited. Most of our utils run on client side and no data will be logged.
We are constantly adding new utils and improving existing ones. Please, feel free to leave any feedback.

Our Differences 🚀

Actively maintaining; adding new utils and improving existing ones.
AI enchantments to provide better results.
Sandboxes for 6 programming languages with command line arguments, stdin, and live code completion/correction support.
Most developer utils have syntax highlighting and code completion.
Util history and add to favorite feature.
Comprehensive util descriptions and background about it's technology.
Mobile friendly UI.
Taking your feedbacks seriously.
and much more...

Our utilities

Make calculation based on inputs
Convert data one format to another
Decode encoded data
Encode data by using utils such as base64
Format and beautify text to make more readable
Generate data based on your needs
Minify data to save spaces
Run and edit your code on the fly
View data in different formats
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